from graphbrain.agents.actors import Actors
from graphbrain.agents.claim_actors import ClaimActors
from import Claims
from graphbrain.agents.conflicts import Conflicts
from graphbrain.agents.corefs_dets import CorefsDets
from graphbrain.agents.corefs_names import CorefsNames
from graphbrain.agents.corefs_onto import CorefsOnto
from graphbrain.agents.reddit_parser import RedditParser
from graphbrain.agents.corefs_unidecode import CorefsUnidecode
from graphbrain.agents.taxonomy import Taxonomy
from graphbrain.agents.txt_parser import TxtParser
[docs]def create_agent(name, hg):
"""Creates and returns an instance of the agent identified by the given
name. Throws an exception if no such agent is known."""
if name == 'actors':
return Actors(hg)
elif name == 'claim_actors':
return ClaimActors(hg)
elif name == 'claims':
return Claims(hg)
elif name == 'conflicts':
return Conflicts(hg)
elif name == 'corefs_dets':
return CorefsDets(hg)
elif name == 'corefs_names':
return CorefsNames(hg)
elif name == 'corefs_onto':
return CorefsOnto(hg)
elif name == 'corefs_unidecode':
return CorefsUnidecode(hg)
elif name == 'reddit_parser':
return RedditParser(hg)
elif name == 'taxonomy':
return Taxonomy(hg)
elif name == 'txt_parser':
return TxtParser(hg)
RuntimeError('unknown agent: {}'.format(name))