Source code for graphbrain.notebook

from html import escape

from IPython.core.display import display
from IPython.core.display import HTML

from graphbrain import hedge
from graphbrain.meaning.case_generators import InteractiveCaseGenerator

TYPE_COLORS = {'C': '#268bd2',
               'M': '#dc322f',
               'B': '#859900',
               'P': '#cb4b16',
               'T': '#d33682',
               'J': '#b58900',
               'R': '#eee8d5',
               'S': '#6c71c4'}

def _edge2html_show(edge, style='indented', indent=False, close=True,
    ret_close_html = ''

    if indent:
        main_tag = 'div'
        margin = 'margin-left:20px;'
        main_tag = 'span'
        margin = ''

    et = edge.type()[0]
    if et == 'R':
        color = '#303030'
        color = TYPE_COLORS[edge.type()[0]]

    color_html = 'color:{}'.format(color)

    if edge.is_atom():
        html = '<span style="{}">{}</span>'.format(
            color_html, escape(str(edge.root())))

        if len( > 1:
            escaped_codes = '/'.join([1:])
            escaped_codes = escape(escaped_codes).strip()
            html = '{}<span style="color:#000000;font-weight:lighter">/{}'\
                   '</span>'.format(html, escaped_codes)
        et = edge.type()[0]
        arity = len(edge)
        contains_edges = any(not child.is_atom() for child in edge)
        color_html = 'color:{}'.format(color)

        # render opening symbol
        html = '<span style="font-weight:bold">(</span>'

        close_html = '</{}>'.format(main_tag)

        # render edge children
        for i in range(arity):
            child = edge[i]

            # first edge (connector)?
            if i == 0:
                child_indent = False
                sep = ''
            # not connector
                # indent depending on style
                if style == 'indented':
                    # edges with only two items are rendered in one line
                    child_indent = arity > 2
                    if child_indent and child.is_atom() and not contains_edges:
                        child_indent = False
                elif style == 'oneline':
                    child_indent = False

                sep = ' '

            if child.is_atom():
                child_html, _ = _edge2html_show(child,
                # Do not render closing html of children that are the last
                # edge in a hyperedge. Instead, let some higher-level edge
                # render it to avoid ugly multi-line staircases when closing
                # a sequence of edges.
                child_close = i < arity - 1

                child_html, child_cl_html = _edge2html_show(
                # accumulate close_html of child
                close_html = '{}{}'.format(child_cl_html, close_html)
            html = '{}{}{}'.format(html, sep, child_html)

        # if closing html should not be rendered at the end of this edge
        # representation, then return it to the parent
        if not close:
            ret_close_html = close_html
            close_html = ''

        # render close symbol
        html = '{}<span style="{}">'.format(html, color_html)
        html = '{}<span style="font-weight:bold">)</span></span>'.format(html)

    # render edge
    html = '<{} style="{}{}">{}{}'.format(
        main_tag, margin, color_html, html, close_html)

    return html, ret_close_html

[docs]def show(edge, style='indented'): """Displays a representation of the edge in the notebook. Keyword arguments: style -- render style ('indented', 'line') (default: 'indented') """ edge = hedge(edge) html = _edge2html_show(edge, style=style)[0] display(HTML(html))
def _edge2html_vblocks(edge): tcolor = TYPE_COLORS[edge.type()[0]] if edge.is_atom(): html_root = '<span style="color:#fdf6e3;font-weight:bold">{}'\ '</span>'.format(edge.root()) parts = '/'.join([1:]) html_parts = '<span style="color:#eee8d5;font-weight:lighter">/{}'\ '</span>'.format(parts) html = '<div style="padding:5px;background-color:{};'\ 'border:2px solid #fdf6e3;border-radius:10px">{}{}'\ '</div>'.format(tcolor, html_root, html_parts) return html elif len(edge) == 2 or all(subedge.is_atom() for subedge in edge): conn_html = _edge2html_vblocks(edge[0]) arg_htmls = ['<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle"' '>{}</div>'.format(_edge2html_vblocks(arg)) for arg in edge[1:]] html = '<div style="display:table;border:2px solid #fdf6e3;'\ 'background-color:{};border-radius:10px;padding:3px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;'\ 'background-color:{};padding-left:5px">{}</div>'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">{}</div></div>'\ '</div></div>'.format( tcolor, tcolor, conn_html, tcolor, '<div style="width:5px"></div>'.join(arg_htmls)) return html else: conn_html = _edge2html_vblocks(edge[0]) arg_htmls = ['<div>{}</div>'.format(_edge2html_vblocks(arg)) for arg in edge[1:]] html = '<div style="display:table;border:2px solid #fdf6e3;'\ 'background-color:{};border-radius:10px;padding:3px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">{}</div>'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">{}</div></div>'\ '</div></div>'.format( tcolor, tcolor, conn_html, tcolor, '<div style="height:5px"></div>'.join(arg_htmls)) return html def vblocks(edge, subtypes=False, argroles=True, namespaces=False): edge = hedge(edge) sedge = edge.simplify(subtypes=subtypes, argroles=argroles, namespaces=namespaces) html = _edge2html_vblocks(sedge) html = '<div style="background-color:#fcfcfc; padding:50px">{}'\ '</div>'.format(html) display(HTML(html)) def _edge2html_blocks(edge): tcolor = TYPE_COLORS[edge.type()[0]] if edge.is_atom(): html_root = '<span style="color:#fdf6e3;font-weight:bold">{}'\ '</span>'.format(edge.root()) parts = '/'.join([1:]) html_parts = '<span style="color:#eee8d5;font-weight:lighter">/{}'\ '</span>'.format(parts) html = '<div style="padding:5px;background-color:{};'\ 'border:2px solid #fdf6e3; border-radius:10px;'\ 'text-align:center">{}{}</div>'.format( tcolor, html_root, html_parts) return html elif len(edge) > 2: conn_html = _edge2html_blocks(edge[0]) arg_htmls = ['<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle">' '{}</div>'.format(_edge2html_blocks(arg)) for arg in edge[1:]] html = '<div style="display:table;border:2px solid #fdf6e3;'\ 'background-color:{};border-radius:10px;padding:3px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;'\ 'background-color:{};padding-left:5px">{}</div>'\ '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">{}</div></div>'\ '</div></div>'.format( tcolor, tcolor, conn_html, tcolor, '<div style="width:5px"></div>'.join(arg_htmls)) return html else: conn_html = _edge2html_blocks(edge[0]) arg_htmls = ['<div style="display: table-row">{}</div>'.format( _edge2html_blocks(arg)) for arg in edge[1:]] html = '<div style="display:table;border:2px solid #fdf6e3;'\ 'background-color:{};border-radius:10px;padding:8px">'\ '<div style="display:table-row">'\ '<div style="display: table-row; vertical-align: top;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">{}</div>'\ '<div style="display: table-row; height:8px"></div>'\ '<div style="display: table-row; vertical-align: top;'\ 'background-color:{};padding:5px">'\ '<div style="display:table">{}</div></div>'\ '</div></div>'.format( tcolor, tcolor, conn_html, tcolor, '<div style="height:5px"></div>'.join(arg_htmls)) return html def blocks(edge, subtypes=False, argroles=True, namespaces=False): edge = hedge(edge) sedge = edge.simplify(subtypes=subtypes, argroles=argroles, namespaces=namespaces) html = _edge2html_blocks(sedge) html = '<div style="background-color:#fcfcfc; padding:50px">{}'\ '</div>'.format(html) display(HTML(html)) def interactive_case_generator(tests, extractor, case=None, keywords=None): return InteractiveCaseGenerator(tests, extractor).run(case=case, keywords=keywords)