Source code for graphbrain.parsers.__init__

from importlib import import_module

from .nlp import print_tree
from .parser_en import ParserEN
from .text import edge_text

[docs]def create_parser(lang=None, parser_class=None, lemmas=False, corefs=False, beta='repair', normalize=True, post_process=True): """Creates and returns a parser (as an instanceof a subclass of Parser) for the language specified in the parameter. If parser_class is specified, then the parser specified by this class is instantiated instead. Throws exception if language is not implemented. Available parsers: 'en' -- English Keyword argument: parser_class -- specify an external parser class. lemmas -- if True, lemma edges are generated by the parser. corefs -- if True, coreference resolution is performed. (default: False) beta -- beta stage mode, current options are 'strict' and 'repair' (default: 'repair') normalize -- perform hyperedge normalization (default: True) post_process -- perform hyperedge post-processing (default: True) """ if not lang and not parser_class: raise RuntimeError( 'Either "lang" or "parser_class" must be specified.') if parser_class: package = None if parser_class[0] == '.': parser_class = parser_class[1:] package = '.' path_parts = parser_class.split('.') module_name = '.'.join(path_parts[:-1]) class_name = path_parts[-1] class_obj = getattr(import_module(module_name, package=package), class_name) parser = class_obj(lemmas=lemmas, corefs=corefs, beta=beta, normalize=normalize, post_process=post_process) if lang and parser.lang != lang: raise RuntimeError( 'Specified language and parser class do not match.') return parser elif lang == 'en': return ParserEN(lemmas=lemmas, corefs=corefs, beta=beta, normalize=normalize, post_process=post_process) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown parser: {}'.format(lang))
def parser_lang(parser_class): package = None if parser_class[0] == '.': parser_class = parser_class[1:] package = '.' path_parts = parser_class.split('.') module_name = '.'.join(path_parts[:-1]) return getattr(import_module(module_name, package=package), 'LANG')