import random
import string
from graphbrain import hedge
from graphbrain.constants import coref_connector, coref_set_id_key, main_coref_connector
def _new_coref_id():
chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
# Note: the size of the id can be increased to reduce the probability
# of collision.
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(7))
def _set_coref_id(hg, edge, new_coref_id):
hg.set_attribute(edge, coref_set_id_key, new_coref_id)
def _change_coref_id(hg, edge, new_coref_id):
for coref in coref_set(hg, edge):
_set_coref_id(hg, coref, new_coref_id)
def _update_main_coref(hg, edge):
cref_id = coref_id(hg, edge)
corefs = coref_set(hg, edge)
best_coref = None
best_degree = -1
for coref in corefs:
d =
if d > best_degree:
best_degree = d
best_coref = coref
coref_edge = hedge((main_coref_connector, cref_id, best_coref))
if not hg.exists(coref_edge):
old = set('({} {} *)'.format(main_coref_connector, cref_id), strict=True))
for old_edge in old:
hg.add(coref_edge, primary=False)
[docs]def coref_set(hg, edge, corefs=None):
"""Returns the set of coreferences that the given edge belongs to."""
if corefs is None:
corefs = {edge}
for coref_edge in hg.edges_with_edges((hedge(coref_connector), edge)):
if len(coref_edge) == 3 and coref_edge[0].to_str() == coref_connector:
for item in coref_edge[1:]:
if item not in corefs:
coref_set(hg, item, corefs)
return corefs
[docs]def are_corefs(hg, edge1, edge2, corefs=None):
"""Checks if the two given edges are coreferences."""
if corefs is None:
corefs = {edge1}
for coref_edge in hg.edges_with_edges((hedge(coref_connector), edge1)):
if len(coref_edge) == 3 and coref_edge[0].to_str() == coref_connector:
for item in coref_edge[1:]:
if item not in corefs:
if item == edge2:
return True
if are_corefs(hg, item, edge2, corefs):
return True
return False
[docs]def coref_id(hg, edge):
"""Returns the coreference identifier of the edge."""
return hg.get_str_attribute(edge, coref_set_id_key)
[docs]def main_coref_from_id(hg, cref_id):
"""Returns main edge in the coreference set for the given identifier."""
for coref_edge in'({} {} *)'.format(main_coref_connector, cref_id), strict=True):
return coref_edge[2]
return None
[docs]def main_coref(hg, edge):
"""Returns main edge for the coreference set that the given edge
belongs to.
cref_id = coref_id(hg, edge)
if cref_id is None:
return edge
return main_coref_from_id(hg, cref_id)
[docs]def make_corefs(hg, edge1, edge2):
"""Make the two given edges belong to the same corefernce set.
This may trigger further updates to maintain consistency, such as
merging existing coreference sets and recomputing the main edge of
a coreference set.
cref_id_1 = coref_id(hg, edge1)
cref_id_2 = coref_id(hg, edge2)
if cref_id_1 is None:
if cref_id_2 is None:
new_cref_id = _new_coref_id()
new_cref_id = cref_id_2
elif cref_id_2 is None:
new_cref_id = cref_id_1
count1 = len(coref_set(hg, edge1))
count2 = len(coref_set(hg, edge2))
if count2 > count1:
new_cref_id = cref_id_2
new_cref_id = cref_id_1
update = False
if cref_id_1 != new_cref_id:
_change_coref_id(hg, edge1, new_cref_id)
update = True
if cref_id_2 != new_cref_id:
_change_coref_id(hg, edge2, new_cref_id)
update = True
hg.add((coref_connector, edge1, edge2), primary=False)
if update:
_update_main_coref(hg, edge1)